Industrial Battery That Provide Anupam Enterprise

Exide GEN-X Range

The Exide Gen X range comes with 15% additional capacity in the same dimensions of the HSP range.The higher diameter of the gauntlet tubes increases the annular volume resulting in increased power.

The advance formula of Red lead and Grey oxide used in the positive active active material ensures increased power and long life.The Exide Gen-X range of batteries is at the highest technology level and has very high efficiency.

Exide GenX

The very popular and ever dependant HSP range has been powering various makes of forklifts for more than two decades.The HSP range is available in BS and DIN rangefrom 58Ah to 841 Ah in BS and 120Ah to 1400Ah in DIN.

Available in both British and Continental standards,the HSP range can fit into all the makes of forklifts.

Exide HSP Clasic
HSP Clasic